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Health & Safety Advice, Information & Tips to Keep you Compliant
What’s New? Changes in Workplace Health & Safety Legislation in NZ
Think about the last time you had to deal with a health or safety issue in the workplace. Or, if you haven’t yet experienced an issue like this, consider a what-if scenario. You know some of the health and safety legislation and protocols to follow but maybe weren’t...
5 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Health and Safety Consultant
The Health & Safety at Work Act is a top priority for every company to develop and implement properly but you may not know the top things you need to consider before hiring a health and safety consultant. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) systems identify and...
Understand the Health and Safety at Work Act in NZ
If the past year has offered any real benefit to society, it’s the sobering realization that there are consequences for those businesses without a comprehensive understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the policies and programs needed to offer compliance...
Coronavirus Workplace Safety in New Zealand – The 4 Alert Levels Explained
If you’re a business owner, you’re responsible for not only your own and your family’s health and safety but also those of your dedicated employees and the customers you serve. Coronavirus workplace safety is important. Your workplace must accommodate new measures and...
Are you Following WorkSafe NZ Guidelines for Machinery and Guarding?
With the recent sentencing of Christchurch meat manufacturer Hellers Limited, we thought it would be a good time to remind you of the importance of following the current health and safety guidelines for machinery and guarding from WorkSafe NZ. Details of the Case...
When you Should Notify WorkSafe of an Incident and How to Do It
In certain situations, you must notify WorkSafe of an incident in the workplace. But not all events or incidents carry the requirement to notify WorkSafe. Use this guide to understand which workplace incidents must be reported and what to do when a notifiable incident...