Are you burying your head in the sand with Health and Safety in your business? 

It’s time to get you sorted!

Are you a Small Business Owner and you have no idea what you are meant to do for your Health and Safety requirements?? Or maybe you just need a quick check to make sure you are on the right path.

Having an effective Health and Safety system does not need to take hours of your time and we would love to show you just how simple it can be!

The HasTrak ™ Health and Safety Check Up is a FREE service for small business owners held with our experienced health and safety professionals and is organised by phone, zoom or in person.

Register for your free 30-minute 1:1 checkup now!
Just fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch.

having a great checklist is a fundamental for consistent health and safety management

We also offer information about our ongoing training and audits. Please tick any you are interested in:

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We have so many people come to us saying they don’t really know what they have to do, it all feels too hard and the legislation is so overwhelming!
And they worry that they’re going to get landed with a massive fine when something goes wrong. Plus there is that all-encompassing ”not enough time in the day!”

You want to get it right, you want to get organised and do it efficiently, but with all the competing priorities of running a business, health and safety gets pushed to the bottom of the long to-do list.


It’s time to pull your head out of the sand!

In just 30 minutes we will go through your systems, find what is working and find the gaps.

Then give you an easy to follow roadmap with a step by step process showing you exactly what you need to do to get sorted.

Let us show you just how simple it can be to get organised. Book your FREE HasTrak ™ Health and Safety Check Up now.


Go from Stress to Yes!

Have you got any questions?
Then click here to get in touch with us!
professional health and safety expertise to keep your workplace safer